
Bergmannstraßenfest celebrates its 25th Anniversary

The biggest jazz event, Bergmannstraßenfest 2019 will take place from 28th to 30th of June in Kreuzbergstrasse

June 25th, 2019
Margareta Calugher, News from Berlin

This year, Bergmannstraßenfest, also known as "Kreuzberg jazzt », will take place at Kreuzbergstrasse due to construction works. Kreuzbergstrasse is the extension of Bergmannstrasse to the east, located right next to Viktoriapark.

Since 1994, every year in June, in the western half of the Bergmannstraße, the three-day open air street festival Kreuzberg jazzt! attracts locals and tourists with its multi-cultural ambiance. The festival offers international culinary delicacies, works of art, handmade items and lots of music.

To celebrate festival’s 25th anniversary, more than 70 national and international bands such as Eb Davis, Roger & The Evolution, Mike Russel, Kat Baloun, Wille & The Bandits, Slidegitarrenwunder will play jazz music on four stages: Mehringdamm, Katzbachstraße, Möckernstraße and Theater stage Großbeerenstraße.

More about the program:


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