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‘Out of Nature’ at Berlinale

A disarmingly simple exercise about a midlife-crisis-ridden man's weekend wilderness trek

February 11th, 2015
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‘Out of Nature’ features thirty-something Martin, a Norwegian man who battles with some of lives big questions.  He is questioning his role in life as a partner and a father? He doesn’t seem to know what he wants.  All he knows is that what he has isn’t good enough.  Leaving work and his family behind, the protagonist decides to go on his own on a weekend run in the nearby mountains of the small town of where he lives.  Surpisingly neither son nor wife seem that concerned about Martin’s planned weekend away. 

‘Out of nature’ is as much about Martin’s inner journey as it is about his journey through nature. It is a film that shares the profile and thoughts of a man. The movie doesn’t try to psychoanalyze or otherwise explain Martin’s actions, instead it lets his often random, trivial inner thoughts speak for themselves.  Thoughts of inner turmoil that many are likely to be able to identify with.

This largely monologue-based film will give the viewer an insight into the mentality of the contemporary Norwegian society. Although very minimalist, it also offers viewers a stunning imagery of the Norwegian landscape. The film reflects upon the Norweigans’ love and idealization of its nature. Despite the serious undertones in ‘Out of Nature’, it is an utterly hilarious piece of film magic. It is likely to make the most ‘hard-to-impress–viewer’ chuckle in their seat.

The ICD recommends anyone heading to the cinema in the near future to go and see this film that offers laughter, contemplation and a bit of Norwegian nature.