News from Berlin
When Hip Hop Meets Politics: the “Soundz of the South” in Berlin
May 07th, 2014
News from Berlin - The South African group Soundz of the South (SOS) is making a two day stop in Berlin during its European Tour. SOS is a hip-hop group which goes against racism, sexism and oppression, and which promotes the discussion of the present sociopolitical questions to be raised in South Africa and all over the world.
They released their second album, Freedom Warriors vol. 2, at the end 2013 and were therefore partly inspired by Mandela’s ideological legacy. It is more than a promotional tour, this visit to European countries is the very occasion to raise awareness and to spread their message. Through its music, Soundz of the South builds cultural bridges between South Africa and Germany, using music as a universal tool for sharing ideas and creating a mutual understanding.
Thereby, there are two appointments not to be missed. On Thursday, May 8th, SOS is to give a presentation entitled "'My Word is my Weapon': Hiphop and Political Activism" at 10:00 at the Institut für Asien und Afrikawissenschaften HU (Invalidenstr. 118, Raum 410). On Friday, May 9, together with the Berliner Emcees and the Spoken Word Künstler_innen, Soundz of the South will give a concert, at XB-Liebig (Liebigstr. 34, Friedrichshain, Berlin), at 22:00.
News from Berlin - Berlin Global