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Multicultural Island of Malta: A Lecture Given by Photographer Jörg Hertel

June 25th, 2014
Malta Lecture Urania.jpg

News from Berlin – Jörg Hertel, photographer and traveler, is invited to give a lecture on Wednesday June 25th with music and pictures about „Malta – the multicultural mosaic in the Mediterranean Sea” at URANIA Berlin at 5.30 pm. Jörg Hertel has been traveling around the world since 1999 and publishing several illustrated books about numerous countries and landscapes. He has been to Malta in 2007. This lecture will be the only one held in Berlin while he is giving lectures all over Germany.

The Mediterranean island of Malta has been influenced by a multitude of cultures. Today, its geography, history and politics bring out a unique landscape. Subsequent to the mysterious megalith civilization, the island has been controlled by the Phoenicians followed by the Arabs, Normans and the orders of knights. Later on, Napoleon and the British invaded the island. In 1964, the island achieved independence and in 1974, Malta became a republic. Being the smallest member state of the European Union since its accession in 2004, this state is composed of three inhabited islands: Malta, Gozo and Comino. Malta had successfully managed to build its own identity based on the multiethnic melting pot.

News from Berlin – Berlin Global