
Ghana-Germany Partnership Promotes Sustainable Energy: Ossberger Energy Plant Leads the Way

The Ossberger energy plant in Weißenberg, Bavaria, showcases the benefits of transitioning to sustainable energy sources, as Ghana and Germany collaborate to promote renewable energy development

January 27th, 2023
Chiara Maccio’, News from Berlin
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The Ossberger energy plant in Weißenberg, Bavaria, is a hydropower plant that exemplifies the shift towards sustainable energy production. Using the power of flowing water, this plant generates up to 3.3 megawatts of electricity without emitting greenhouse gases. As the world faces the challenges of climate change, the importance of transitioning towards a green economy and sustainable production methods cannot be overstated. The Ossberger plant stands as a prime example of what is possible with sustainable energy production.

On 27 January, the Ghanaian Ambassador Gina Ama Blay, together with GNPC representatives visited the facility to dialogue on renewable resources and sustainable development.

The partnership between Ghana and Germany has been instrumental in promoting sustainable development and renewable energy. In 2022, Ghana signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Germany to promote the development of renewable energy, with a particular focus on hydropower.  This cooperation has led to the Ossberger energy plant becoming a model for sustainable hydropower development in Ghana.

The partnership between Ghana and Germany is essential, as both countries recognize the need to transition towards a more sustainable economic and industrial system. Ghana has been making significant strides towards promoting access to reliable, clean, and affordable electricity. In 2021, the Ghanaian government signed a Results-Based Financing (RBF) agreement with the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the European Union (EU), aimed at promoting renewable energy development and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The RBF agreement will provide financial incentives for the development of renewable energy projects, including hydropower, solar, and wind.

Germany has also been supporting various initiatives in Ghana aimed at promoting sustainable agriculture, reducing deforestation, and improving waste management. These efforts have helped Ghana achieve some of its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and promote sustainable development more broadly.

The Ossberger energy plant is a shining example of what is possible when countries work together towards a common goal of promoting sustainable development and renewable energy. As the world faces the challenges of climate change, it is crucial that countries work together towards a more sustainable future. The partnership between Ghana and Germany serves as a beacon of hope for what is possible when countries collaborate towards this common goal.

In conclusion, the Ossberger energy plant in Weißenberg is an excellent example of the shift towards sustainable energy production, with its use of hydropower for electricity generation. The partnership between Ghana and Germany has been essential in promoting sustainable development and renewable energy, with the Ossberger becoming a model for hydropower development in Ghana. As countries continue to work towards a more sustainable future, collaboration and partnerships will play a critical role in achieving this goal.


News from Berlin