
The South African Embassy Celebrates Women's Month 2024

South Africa’s government initiative honored in Berlin

August 28th, 2024
Valeria Gerganova, News from Berlin

The staff of the Embassy of South Africa in Berlin dressed in pink and gathered to celebrate Women’s Month 2024, which is an annual initiative of South Africa’s government to honor the feminist movements of 1956.

This year the Women’s Month is under the theme “Celebrating 30 years of democracy towards Women’s Development” and aims to honor women as agents of change and social transformation.

The theme is in celebration of the 30th anniversary of The Women’s Charter which was established to provide better conditions for women’s professional and economic development and to ensure equality.

South Africa’s government considers the initiative an important juncture for collective reflection on how the rights of women in democracy have advanced. 

The festive month is in honor of the historic march of thousands of South African Women in 1956 in protest against the introduction of apartheid pass laws for black women in 1952.

In Berlin, the personnel of South Africa’s Embassy organized a small celebration and dressed in pink for the occasion, displaying support for the larger initiative in Northern Cape.


News from Berlin