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The BMW Foundation Supports an Event Aimed at Helping Marginalized Young People to Integrate into Society through Sport-Pedagogical Methods

A Camp Group Project Supported by BMW will Try to Ease the Integration Process into Society for Marginalized Youths Both in Germany and Abroad

February 10th, 2016

The BMW Foundation is supporting the project of a Camp Group named “ RespAct Program”  aimed at solving the problems facing marginalized youths and children with regards to integrating into society. Camp Group is a non-profit enterprise which has achieved many different goals during the two years since it was founded in Berlin.

In this project the Camp Group employs sports such as boxing exercises to encourage participation in political and social life. This method helps young people to tear down the social boundaries that have been limiting them during their lives and encourages them to become more open to social life.

Besides sports activities, the Camp Group intends to improve some policies by using education as a method and conducting research about social problems in general.

With regards to the “RespAct Program” it is important to mention that it provides help to more than 50 schools across Germany, it also has a close relationship with the Freie Universitat Berlin since this is where the Program stated. German universities where the “RespAct Program” has been applied, stated the positive outcomes of this project  after completing an internal evaluation. It has positively changed the perspectives of boys and girls involved in the project since it helps to alter their environments in a positive way. The results of the evaluation of the “RespAct Program” also saw many of the girls involved in obtaining better academic results after completing the program.

Today the Camp Group together with the GIZ is supporting developing cooperation outside Germany in countries such as Afghanistan . Trough the Youth Leadership Program of the United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace (UNOSDP) the Camp Group is able to train young adults and children in order to allow them to become agents for social change.

The main goal of the Camp Group is to give a voice to and bring about positive change in the lives of young people who are in someway affected by social problems.




References and Links

News from Berlin
Carla Merayo, Berlin Global