News from Berlin
Renowned Korean Poet, Ko Un, Is Coming to Berlin
June 03rd, 2014
News from Berlin - Ko Un, who has been nominated every year for “Nobel Prize of Literature” since 2002, is visiting Berlin to participate in the “Berlin Poetry Festival”, taking place at the “Akademie der Künste Studio”. He will be reciting at the “WeltKlang”, the opening ceremony of the festival on June 5th, and will also give his own lecture about literature and poetry in Koreanisches Kulturzentrum on June 6th.
Famous with for his poetry, notably his piece titled “Man-in-bo”, Ko Un started his literary career in 1958, and to this day, has written more than 150 pieces including poetry, novels, critiques. He was rewarded with 15 literary awards, and won 2 medals. His work is published in 25 languages all over the world. Particularly, his creations “순간의 꽃 (Blüten des Augenblicks)” and “조국의 별 (Die Sterne über dem Land der Väter)”, published by Suhrkamp, have been highly praised by the community of literary critics in Germany.
Furthermore, he is also taking part in “Poesiegespräch” on June 12th, another event hosted by the Akademie der Künste. For more informations about the events, you can contact the Koreanisches Kulturzentrum, or visit the webpage of poetry festival.
News from Berlin – Berlin Global