Rencontres Internatrionales in Paris and Berlin
From 20 to 25 August will be held in Berlin the festival of visual and contemporary arts
August 13th, 2019Rencontre Internationale is a festival that includes several events and has been taking place for several years in Paris and Berlin.
Les Rencontres Internationales were founded in 1997 with the aim of promoting new artistic forms and creating greater exchanges of ideas.
The events attract a wide audience from all over the world, but above all artists from all continents who can share their works and activities.
The events develop during 5 days and they include screenings, exhibitions and performances of works by internationally recognised artists.
The festival is not only a set of shows but also an opportunity to compare and share experiences in the field of art and culture.
The festival also wants to bring to a wide audience innovative forms of art with little known approaches.
The programme has been designed with a wide audience with different population groups in mind in order to satisfy as many people as possible.
The festival starts at 7PM with a show until midnight at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt and closes at the same time on August 25 with a surprise film.