News from Berlin
Latin American and German Trade: From Coffee Bean to the Kreuzberg
February 05th, 2014
Coffee: A Global Indulgence
As part of continuing speeches at the Ibero-American Institute the opportunity has arisen to discuss all elements of coffee production, from its origins to the Latin American coffee that is poured into cups across Germany.
News from Berlin. The series of events devotes itself to five Latin American agricultural products, all with great importance for the global economy – Coffee, Sugar, Cocoa, Wood and Nuts. Representatives from leading global firms come together to give practically orientated insights into the economic world of “their” products.
Hans-Georg Müller, Manager of Corporate Communications of the Neumann Coffee Group (Hamburg), the world’s leading green coffee service company, addresses questions on the semi luxury foodstuff of coffee with Christopher Schmitt (Lateinamerika Verin e.V. Hamburg).
These questions range on the origins of coffee, to how production and trade have developed in recent years, to which role it plays in today’s Latin American and the overall coffee experience.
The event takes place on Monday, 24th February 2014 at 6pm in the Simón Bolívar Room at the Ibero American Institute. Potsdamer Str. 37, 10785 Berlin
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News from Berlin.