News from Berlin
Germany Assists Nigeria In Its New Energy Plan
July 25th, 2014
News from Berlin – German delegation in Nigeria set out to assist Nigerian energy industry in order to help them develop new forms of energy. A series of events entitled ““Potentials of Renewable Energies and Environment in Nigeria” will take place to promote Nigerian energy . Baerbel Freyer, Head of Energy and Environment Desk said : “For us the seminar is start on bringing the Distribution Companies (DISCOS) and those that can provide the renewable energy the chance to increase the power supply (…)”. The power sector in Nigeria was recently privatised, meaning that some regulations need to be introduced and this is an area where German help might turn out to be particularly useful.
German help would include joint collaboration with Nigerian representatives on alternative power projects and sharing the know-how with Nigerian representatives of the energy market. It is important to note that Nigeria is also the 8-th largest gas deposit in the world and the country plays an important role as an energy provider in the world market. German involvement has the aim of encouraging Nigeria to explore alternatives to the potentially expensive traditional ways of generating energy and invest in other forms of energy such as solar energy, wind energy or geothermal energy.
This agreement might be seen as a continuation of Germano-Nigerian cooperation which had started in 2011 when the German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Nigeria and when discussions took place on religious, political and economic matters.
News from Berlin - Berlin Global