News from Berlin
Garcia Lorca in New York at the Cervantes Institute
February 05th, 2014
Poet in New York, a Literary Cafe
Ulrike Mühlschlegel will be in charge of the discussion about this essential work of poetry.
News from Berlin. The trip Federico Garcia Lorca took to New York was the first time the poet travelled abroad. According to the poet it was one of the most enlightening and useful experiences of his life. The nine months he spent mainly in New York, but also in Vermont and Cuba, changed his outlook on life and helped shape the poetry he would write in the future. He came in contact for the first time with racial and religious diversity, the urban world, jazz and many other forms of art that were far out of reach for people living in Spain in 1929. In New York Lorca came into contact with modernity, an experience that would change him as a person and as an artist.
“Poet in New York” (1940) is posthumous publication, one of his most important books, an essential work to explore Lorca’s poetic universe. The poems gathered in this book are extremely fierce and strong, and literarily complex.
Ulrike Mühlschlegel works for the Iberian- American Institute of Berlin and is a doctor in Hispanic and Portuguese Philology. She will direct this literary café in which after a brief introduction of the book and the reading of a few poems the floor will be opened to the attendees. The open discussion will encourage the exchanged of ideas and it will be held in Spanish, however the participants will also be able to intervene in German if they prefer.
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