Celebration in Germany of Somali Independence
This year is the 64th anniversary of Somalia’s independence and unification
August 01st, 2024The diplomatic staff of the Embassy of Somalia in Berlin was invited to a special celebration in Kassel on 64 years of unity and independence of the country.
On the 7th of July, the delegation from Berlin was welcomed in Kassel, Hesse by members of the Somali diaspora in Germany and its community leaders.
Together they celebrated the historic events of the 26th of June and the 1st of July 1964.
On the 26th of June 1964, British Somaliland gained independence as the State of Somaliland.
On the 1st of July 1964, the country united with the former Italian Somaliland to become the Somali Republic.
The anniversaries of both events are public holidays in Somaliland and Somalia.
- https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=797450435893622&set=pcb.797451592560173 https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=797450435893622&set=pcb.797451592560173
News from Berlin