News from Berlin
Application Period for 2015 Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Started
May 19th, 2014
News from Berlin – Recently the period for applying to the German-American exchange program organized by the GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation) has started. The application is open to young professionals who were born after July 31st, 1990, have had English classes for several years and finished their vocational training before the beginning of the program.
For more than 30 years already, the German Bundestag and the United States Congress enable young professionals and students to spend twelve months abroad and develop their personal horizons and broaden their career prospects. Next to a vocationally oriented internship the participants will also attend college and experience the American or German way of life.
Aim of the program is first of all the promotion of better relations between Germany and the US. In addition, it shall also help young people to get an insight into the other country’s history, society and economy. The program is sponsored by the Members of Parliament from the German Bundestag and the Members of the US Congress. All expenses incurred in connection with preparation, re-integration, college attendance, accommodation at a host family, travel and insurance will be paid by the two parliaments.
This year 275 scholars and 75 young professional from Germany will be able to participate in the program. Application is open until September 12th, 2014 and the exchange will start in August 2015.
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News from Berlin – Berlin Global