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The Irish Embassy Celebrates the 1916 Easter Irish Rising

The Irish Embassy Will Open His Doors to Commemorate the Centenary of the Irish Independence

May 17th, 2016

On the 18th of May the Irish embassy, against the backdrop of the Royal Irish Academy´s exhibition “Portrait and Lives”, will host an evening to celebrate the centenary of the Ireland’s 1916 Rising. The evening will happen at the Irish embassy and will provide the possibility to commemorate the establishment of the Irish Republic and its independence from the British rule.

The Royal Irish Academy and the Office of Public Works launched the exhibition “1916: Portraits and Lives” the 12th of May in Kilmainham Gaol. The exhibition, edited by Lawrence William White, presents 42 biographies of people involved in the Rising. For the occasion, the Irish embassy was willing to collaborate with this initiative to host an evening in which poetry, films and songs will mark this important success for the Ireland.

During the evening the book “Patrick Pearse: Der Rebell. Gedichte” will be presented and a selection of Pearse´s poems will be read in German, English and Irish. Furthermore will be heard recordings of Irish prisoners of war made in Germany during World War 1 and a short presentation by journalist Derek Scally on the history of these recordings. The evening will also provide the possibility to see the short film “Last Words,” directed by Eoin Heaney, inspired by the 1916 Proclamation's assertions of “religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens.”

This evening is not the first event organized by the Irish embassy to celebrate the Irish Rising: on the 28th of April the Irish embassy planned a public colloquium with a panel discussion on the role of Germany in the 1916 Easter Rising in his place.


News from Berlin
Valentina Mazzone, Berlin Global