News from Berlin

More Berlin Bus Stops for Long Distance Buses

July 02nd, 2014
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News from Berlin – The German travel sector has branched out to long distance buses. They provide travellers with a cheaper option to travel through Germany instead of using the trains. People are able to catch buses from Munich or Cologne to Berlin amongst many other travel destinations.

However, the Zentral Omnibus Bahnhof (in Charlottenburg) has been overfilled with all the various long distance travel operators and the location by the Messe and ICC in West Berlin is not an attractive arrival destination for tourists. Therefore bus stops are being created in other locations in Berlin such as Alexanderplatz and Südkreuz. These bring those arriving closer to the more popular, central parts of Berlin. According to Deutsche Bahn more than 3000 buses have already stopped at Südkreuz to bring tourists travelling to Berlin to their destination.

The long distance buses are a great way to allow tourists to travel to Berlin at low cost prices bringing travellers from A to B without hastle. Students especially have enjoyed using the buses to go travelling through Germany as they have made travelling a lot more cost effective.

News from Berlin – Berlin Global