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News from Berlin

Cycle of Colombian Movies at the Embassy of Colombia

April 29th, 2014

News from Berlin- The Embassy of Columbia to Germany invites all to participate in a spring cinema cycle titled ‘Memoria Viva- Retrospective’. It will be held in the building of the Columbian Embassy in Berlin. The cycle consists of 4 different movies from which the first one is screening today at 7.30 pm. The next sessions are scheduled for Tuesday May 6th, May 13th and May 20th 2014. The entrance is free.

This evening you can see the German documentary film ‘Alexander von Humboldt's American Journey’ made in 1999 by director Stephan Köster. For German-speakers, this movie is also known under the name ‘Flussauf ins Unbekannte: Alexander von Humboldts amerikanische Reise' (Upstream into the unknown: Alexander von Humboldt's American Journey). The movie is paying homage to Alexander von Humboldt, the great German geographer, explorer and naturalist. At the same time it is telling the story of his 5 year long expedition in Latin America.

During 1799, Alexander von Humboldt, with the French physician and botanist Aimé Bonpland, set out on a research expedition through Venezuela, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Mexico carrying out numerous scientific studies, cataloging the tropical flora and fauna they found there and mapping the rivers and mountains. They were the first Europeans to journey into these unexplored Latin American regions. After coming back home their work culminated in publishing a 36-volume book titled ‘Voyage aux régions du Nouveau Continent équinoxales’.

News from Berlin – Berlin Global