News from Berlin

Gauck Makes State Visit to the Portuguese Republic

June 27th, 2014
Gauck and Schadt.jpg

News from Berlin – Germany’s Federal President Joachim Gauck made a state visit to the Portuguese Republic from June 23rd to 25th alongside his partner Daniela Schadt after an invitation by the Portuguese President Aníbal Cavaco Silva.

The two day state visit surrounded the bilateral relations between Germany and Portugal as well as talks on broader European issues. The bilateral relations talks focused in particular on the bilateral economic ties, the economic situation in Portugal and also on the political and social challenges of the Eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund.

President Gauck had a long schedule which included attending a German-Portuguese business forum and a German-Portuguese vocational training centre, to highlight the economic situation in Portugal. President Silva and President Gauck also had a joint tour of an assembly plant before the trip ended with a reception hosted by President Gauck and Ms Schadt at the Palácio Nacional accompanied by a tour of the palace.

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